The SEO community is reeling from a bombshell revelation. In an unprecedented situation, leaked Google search documentation has surfaced, shedding light on the complex mechanics of the search algorithm that have long been shrouded in mystery. This article delves into the specifics of this documentation, revealing truths that Google has purportedly kept from the public and offering actionable insights for SEO practitioners.

The Leaked Google search documentation: An Overview

The leaked document, released approximately 12 hours ago, provides an in-depth look at the factors influencing Google’s search rankings. With 14,000 elements contributing to search ranking, the sheer complexity is staggering. Here are the key takeaways and how you can utilise this information to optimise your SEO strategies.

The Myth of Domain Authority

For years, Google has maintained that domain authority is not a metric it uses. This has led many SEO experts to prioritise other aspects of their optimisation strategies. However, the leaked document reveals that Google does, in fact, use a similar metric known as “site authority.” This metric assesses the overall value of a website, impacting its rankings significantly.

Actionable Insight:

  • Build Backlinks: Focus on obtaining high-quality backlinks to boost your site authority. This reinforces the importance of creating valuable content that other sites want to link to.

The Reality of Click Tracking

Google has consistently denied using click tracking as a ranking factor. Contrary to these claims, the documentation highlights several instances where click data is used to evaluate site performance. The term “Nav Boost” appears 84 times, indicating its critical role in the algorithm.

Actionable Insight:

  • Enhance User Engagement: Ensure your site is engaging and retains visitors. High click-through rates and prolonged user interaction can positively impact your rankings.

The Sandbox Myth

Another significant revelation is the existence of a sandbox effect, where new sites are temporarily restricted from achieving high rankings. Despite Google engineers publicly denying this, the documents confirm its presence.

Actionable Insight:

  • Patience and Quality: For new sites, focus on building high-quality content and backlinks steadily. Understand that initial slow growth may be due to this sandbox period.

Chrome Data Utilisation

The use of Chrome browser data to assess site performance has been suspected but never confirmed. The leaked Google search documentation provides the evidence, showing that Chrome user data is indeed a real-time ranking metric.

Actionable Insight:

  • Optimise for User Experience: Ensure your site performs well in terms of speed, responsiveness, and overall user experience, as these factors are monitored through Chrome data.

The Importance of Authorship

Authorship, once a highlighted feature in Google’s ranking algorithms, has been reaffirmed in the leaked Google search documentation. Google tracks the reliability of authors across the web, impacting the credibility of the content they produce.

Actionable Insight:

  • Establish Author Credibility: Highlight the expertise and credentials of your content creators. Consistent, authoritative authorship can enhance your site’s trustworthiness and ranking.

Demotion Points and Penalties

The documentation outlines specific demotion points, which are actions that can negatively impact your site’s ranking. These penalties emphasise the importance of adhering to best practices in SEO.

Actionable Insight:

  • Avoid Black Hat Techniques: Steer clear of manipulative tactics like keyword stuffing and link schemes. Focus on ethical SEO practices to maintain and improve rankings.

Link Spam and Protection

Google’s ability to identify and filter out link spam is a significant revelation. Even if you’re not managing your backlinks rigorously, Google’s algorithm provides a layer of spam protection.

Actionable Insight:

  • Monitor Backlinks: Regularly audit your backlink profile to ensure quality links. Use tools to disavow spammy links that could harm your site.

Homepage Rank Influence

Your homepage’s rank is crucial, as it influences the ranking of all other pages on your site. This means that a well-optimised homepage can distribute ranking benefits throughout your site.

Actionable Insight:

  • Optimise Your Homepage: Prioritise the optimisation of your homepage with high-quality content, clear navigation, and robust SEO practices to boost overall site performance.

Font Sizes and Readability

An unexpected factor revealed in the documentation is the importance of font size. Google calculates an average weighted font size, which affects user experience and, consequently, rankings.

Actionable Insight:

  • Improve Readability: Use consistent and appropriately sized fonts to enhance readability. A user-friendly site design contributes positively to user engagement metrics.

Partial Page Scanning

Google only scans parts of your pages, emphasising the need to place important content at the top. This practice ensures that the most critical information is indexed and ranked effectively.

Actionable Insight:

  • Prioritise Content Placement: Position key content and keywords at the top of your pages to ensure they are scanned and indexed by Google.

Short Content and Originality

Short, original content is scored favourably, challenging the notion that longer content is always better. Originality is key, and short, unique pieces of content can perform well in search rankings.

Actionable Insight:

  • Focus on Originality: Create original, high-quality short content. Balance content length with depth and uniqueness to appeal to both users and search engines.

Title Match Importance

Titles that closely match the user’s search query are more likely to rank higher. This highlights the importance of precise and relevant page titles in your SEO strategy.

Actionable Insight:

  • Craft Relevant Titles: Ensure your page titles are specific and match the search queries you aim to rank for. This improves the relevance and ranking potential of your content.

Content Updates and Freshness

Google tracks the dates of your postings, emphasising the importance of keeping your content updated. Regular updates signal to Google that your content is current and relevant.

Actionable Insight:

  • Regularly Update Content: Refresh and update your content frequently to maintain its relevance and improve its ranking potential.

Video Content Advantage

Sites with over 50% video content are evaluated by a different, less saturated algorithm. This presents an opportunity to stand out by incorporating more video content.

Actionable Insight:

  • Increase Video Content: Aim to include videos on at least half of your pages to benefit from the video-focused algorithm and potentially achieve higher rankings.


In conclusion, the leaked Google search documentation provides unprecedented insights into the intricacies of the search algorithm. By understanding and leveraging these revelations, SEO practitioners can refine their strategies to align with the actual factors influencing search rankings. From enhancing site authority and user engagement to optimising content placement and embracing video content, these actionable insights offer a roadmap to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of SEO effectively.


By Manesh Ram, Digital Marketing Specialist. Please follow @maneshram & Meta

Source: Mike King | iPULLRANK & Jake | The Marketing Wizard