Below is an infographic from Kenshoo that provides search and social trends for quarter 2 in 2016. The main take out is that Social and Search Advertising continue to grow at double digit rates compared to 2015. Mobile advertising and the specialisation of ad types that better address specific consumer needs are key drivers of growth in impressions, clicks and spending volume.

Search Trends and Highlights

  • The percentage of clicks from smart phones in Q2 (41%) is higher than the percentage of clicks from smartphones and tablets combined in Q2 of last year.
  • Total clicks on Product ads have grown 2.21x since the same quarter last year and have even increased since the Q4 shopping season.
  • CPCs are up compared to the previous quarter and upcoming bid policy changes for keyword ads on at least one major search engine may extend this trend into future quarters.
  • Across all search engines, overall search spend is up both sequentially, that is quarter over quarter and year over year, driven by a 63% YoY increase in mobile search spend and a 71% increase in shopping campaigns.
  • Clicks have grown more substrantially YoY than other metrics due to the evolution of the mobile search experience. Specifically, Q2 of 2015 still featured only two mobile ad slots on Google with a third being added in Q3 and adding to mobile click volume.

Social Trends and Highlights

  • Social ad pricing is up YoY on both a click and an impression basis as social ads become more specialised, more targeted and subsequently more valuable to advertisers.
  • Social spend grew by almost 50% YoY as consumers clicked more often bringing CTR up by 17% and in greater numbers, raising clicks by 21%.
  • Dynamic ads for products saw a big boost in clicks in Q2, driving up click through rate. Mobile app install ads had a positive impact on the overall trends.


By Manesh Ram, Digital Marketing Specialist. Please follow @maneshram & Meta

Published On: August 25th, 2016 / Categories: Digital Marketing / Tags: /

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