Why Google forwarding numbers?

Through the AdWords Call Extensions, Google forwarding numbers are compatible with third-party call measurement solutions and gives advertisers more insights into their calls performance at no additional cost. They offer useful details such as call duration, call start and end time, caller area code, and whether the call was connected.

Using Google forwarding numbers also makes it possible to track call conversions down to the keyword-level. For example, if advertisers see that calls lasting more than one minute tend to lead to sales, they can therefore count these as conversions and identify which specific parts of their campaigns are driving the most valuable calls.

What is changing?

From 1st June 2016, AdWords call extensions will be updated to use Google forwarding numbers in order to provide advertisers with more detailed call reporting and the ability to measure call conversions. This will impact advertisers in the following countries:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • France
  • Germany
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland

Note that call only campaigns will not be impacted by this change.

Google forwarding numbers will be enabled on all Adwords call extensions not currently using this feature. Where possible, the Google forwarding numbers shown with ads will mirror the format of the business phone number (e.g. using a local number when available).

Googled will use the default setting of counting calls that last longer than 60 seconds as conversions. Mobile call conversions from click-to-call ads will then be included in the Conversions column of reports. If advertisers currently use automated bid strategies like Target CPA, the inclusion of call conversions may impact performance as the system adjusts to an overall increase in conversions.

What Next?

Those who do not want the additional performance insights and conversion tracking for calls available with Google forwarding numbers, complete this form before May 27, 2016. In June, advertisers can opt out of using Google forwarding numbers directly in AdWords by selecting “Show my ad with my own phone number (don’t use call reporting)” in call extension settings. Advertisers can also adjust the duration used to count calls as conversions.


By Manesh Ram, Digital Marketing Specialist. Please follow @maneshram & Meta

Published On: May 21st, 2016 / Categories: Search Engine Marketing | SEM / Tags: , /

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