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Google Ads users may soon notice a change in how the platform handles low-activity keywords, as Google announces its upcoming update aimed at streamlining ad campaigns. This change, set to roll out in June 2024, will see Google Ads automatically pausing keywords that exhibit minimal activity over an extended period.

What is Google Ads Keywords

Google Ads keywords are the foundation of advertising campaigns on Google’s platform, serving as the crucial terms or phrases that trigger ads to appear in relevant search results. These keywords essentially dictate when and where an ad will be displayed, allowing advertisers to target specific audiences based on their search queries. There are several types of keywords used in Google Ads campaigns, each serving different purposes:

Broad Match Keywords: These keywords trigger ads to appear for a wide range of search queries related to the keyword, including synonyms, misspellings, and related searches.

Phrase Match Keywords: Ads are triggered to appear when search queries contain the exact keyword phrase or close variations of it, with additional words before or after.

Exact Match Keywords: Ads are shown only when search queries exactly match the keyword or close variants without any additional words.

Negative Keywords: These are terms or phrases that prevent ads from being triggered by certain search queries, helping advertisers avoid irrelevant traffic and optimise ad spend.

Understanding the nuances of each keyword type and strategically selecting the most appropriate ones is essential for crafting effective Google Ads campaigns that reach the right audience at the right time.

Why Google is pausing certain Google Ads Keywords?

The alteration specifically targets keywords within search ads campaigns that have shown no impressions for more than 13 months since their creation. These dormant keywords, deemed as low-activity, will be flagged for automatic pausing as part of Google’s initiative to optimise ad accounts and prioritise keywords that yield tangible results.

The rationale behind this adjustment is to assist advertisers in refining their campaigns by reducing clutter and focusing on keywords that contribute to campaign success. By automatically pausing keywords that have shown no activity over an extended period, Google aims to simplify account management and enhance campaign performance.

For advertisers impacted by this change, Google suggests reviewing their paused keywords to determine if any are essential for their campaign objectives. Should advertisers find a paused keyword vital to their strategy, they have the option to manually unpause it. However, it is advised to exercise caution and only unpause keywords expected to generate impressions in the near future.

It’s important to note that unpaused keywords will be subject to further evaluation. If they fail to generate any impressions within the subsequent three months, they will be automatically paused once again. This mechanism ensures that only relevant and active keywords remain operational, aligning with Google’s goal of promoting campaign efficiency and effectiveness.

As advertisers prepare for this impending change, they are encouraged to review their existing keyword strategies and make necessary adjustments to align with Google’s updated criteria. By staying proactive and responsive to these modifications, advertisers can continue to leverage Google Ads effectively to drive desired outcomes and maximise their advertising investments.


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By Manesh Ram, Digital Marketing Specialist. Please follow @maneshram & Meta