Google is overhauling its Ads and reformatting them by removing them from the right side of the page to having a longer headline. Although not confirmed as yet, a longer text ad format is being tested in a closed environment.

A spokesperson from Google did share that they at Google keep testing new formats to provide better results for advertisers and give them more bang for their buck. Advertising is a tricky business and investing in them is a major decision for any and every company. Ad space, thus, becomes a vital resource for companies looking for the best possible positioning.

The Google Search Engine and results are one of the leading Ad spaces in the world, as the Google page is one of the most frequented sites.

Advertisers are bound to grapple for the “top space”.

Google AdWords Expanded Text Ads

Expanded text ads can now be a norm especially when Google has removed the sideline ads. There is more room for an extension especially with having a greater number of characters than previously offered. At 80 characters for one description line instead of two description lines at 35 characters, there is so much more room for advertisers to play with and with the text ads featuring a double headline, advertisers can have a field day.

Although still in the testing phase, by the looks of it, the new advertising space has so much more for companies to work with and make their ads more impactful than ever before.

That is what advertising is all about. Making use of whatever is available and make it stand out from the rest that is out there. More area is an added bonus!

Apart from the headline and description line changes, the display URL also has a different setup as opposed to what it was before. The directories can be increased and up to two paths can be added to the domain name.

Limited Beta

As already stated, Google has been testing this new format in a very closed environment and has yet to announce any significant and perpetual changes and/or launching of tests. Therefore, these expanded text ads may still have some time before they see the light of day, or should we say to make it to the headlines.

Without any announcements yet, advertisers are still awaiting the official launch of the tests with bated breathes. They would definitely cheer for some more space on the Google search engine.

Advertising and advertising spaces are constantly being reformatted to achieve the best results and keep up with needs that constantly transform. Ad spaces garner a lot of revenue for a site and should be reinvented as much as possible. Google is definitely doing it right.


By Manesh Ram, Digital Marketing Specialist. Please follow @maneshram & Meta

Published On: May 28th, 2016 / Categories: Search Engine Marketing | SEM / Tags: /

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