As a business owner, you are already driving consumers to your website in many different ways (PPC campaigns on Google, Yahoo as well as email marketing) with the aim of ultimately selling them the products they are looking for. The vast majority of marketing budgets are spent with the intent of driving users to the website so a purchase can happen. But not all visitors to your website will make a purchase, so how can you retarget or remarket your product to that specific audience? This is where a remarketing or retargeting campaign can help you.

What is Remarketing?

According to Wikipedia, remarketing (also known as retargeting) is a form of online targeted advertising by which online advertising is delivered to consumers based on previous Internet actions that did not in the past result in a conversion (in other words, the action intended by the site owner, typically making a purchase).

Example of Remarketing

Remarketing allows you to show ads to users who previously visited your website as they browse the web. When you use remarketing, you tag pages of your site that correspond to certain categories you want to promote.




For example, you could add a “Toyota” tag on all of the pages where you sell Toyota cars. You can then create a Yahoo or Google campaign to show highly relevant messages (such as ads displaying a special offer on Toyota cars) to people who have visited these pages as they browse sites across the Google and Yahoo Networks. In addition to your own site, you can also remarket to users who visited your YouTube brand channel or clicked your YouTube homepage ad.

You can also run a number of remarketing campaigns at the same time. For example, you could offer an extended warranty on Toyota cars to users who previously visited your Toyota pages and at the same time offer a discount on Mazda cars to users who previously visited your Mazda pages.

Why should you use remarketing

Remarketing allows you to communicate with people who previously visited key pages on your website, thus giving you a new powerful way to match the right audience with the right ad.

When you combine your keyword campaigns with remarketing, you will see higher conversions for your campaigns overall. For example, if you have keywords that you do not use because you have not seen conversions in the past, you can use these keywords to drive traffic to your site. You can then use remarketing on the Google Display Network and the Yahoo Network to capture incremental conversions from a more qualified set of potential customers.

In addition the Google Remarketing and Yahoo Retargeting campaigns can provide you with the following benefits:

•    You can extend your reach to potential customers and engage with your audience more deeply. You can also reach a large number of users multiple times a day. This results from the large number of websites who join the Google and Yahoo Content Networks. You can connect with many users on your list(s) as they browse these sites.

•    With a remarketing campaign, you can create customised audiences by building various remarketing lists. For example, you can find “abandoned shopping cart users” by reaching all the people who created a shopping cart but didn’t complete a transaction and even reach people at every stage of your sales funnel.

•    Reach your audiences in different ways by adding other layers of targeting, such as geography or placement targeting. This would allow you to reach users only in a certain region on certain websites that you select.

•    With the Google auction, you can achieve efficient pricing that drives the right ROI for you. With a CPM and CPC bidding, you optimise your pricing with complete control to adjust the bid higher or lower to meet your campaign goals.


By Manesh Ram, Digital Marketing Specialist. Please follow @maneshram & Meta


Published On: June 26th, 2015 / Categories: Search Engine Marketing | SEM / Tags: /

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