Every day advertising and search technologies continue to advance. It’s now a lot easier to target the right audience for the right products with contextual ads.

It’s also now possible to laser-target the right consumers based on data and information that they generate when visiting a site using technology called ‘behavioural targeting’.

Look this way, again! – Remarketing and Retargeting

In a previous blog, we talked about how you can extend your reach to potential customers with a Remarketing Campaign.What remarketing (or retargeting as it is sometimes called) does is delivers ads to consumers based on previous actions that they took, but did not result in a conversion the first time they visited the site.So if you feel that your visitors have “unfinished business” with your site?
No problem. Let Remarketing do its work.By tagging your website using Remarketing technology, a visitor to your site (who did not previously buy) will be presented with an ad promoting you as they search the web and visit other sites. This creates more conversion opportunities for you as they are reminded of your product or service multiple times after leaving your actual site.Remarketing also allows you to target “abandoned shopping cart customers” so they have an opportunity to reconsider purchasing or completing the previous transaction. You segment your message and reach previous visitors at every stage of your sales process.Dynamic Remarketing for an even more effective audience recapturingNow there’s an interesting update to this cutting edge advertising technology. Remarketing now employs Dynamic Display features. Dynamic Display Ads provide a more effectively seamless experience to users by delivering creatives based on specific products they have visited or previously purchased on your site.It’s a more natural and personal approach to advertising, as it shows products and related products that are actually relevant to the consumer. Dynamic Display Remarketing is a dramatic departure from the more traditional and general way of serving ads. And it also provides a more efficient way to influence users’ buying behaviour.How Dynamic Display Remarketing Ads work

Let’s say you run a comprehensive e-commerce site and you have hundreds of products in your catalogue from handbags to sneakers to infant items. In the traditional contextual advertising, you would have to set up separate ads for each of the hundreds of products you have on-site. That’s a whole lot of creatives to create, not to mention the tremendous amounts of time and money needed to run those ads.

With Dynamic Display ads, you don’t have to worry about spending time or money on creatives. All you need to do is select which sites you wish your ads to appear and the advertising network, say Google, will automatically syndicate out your products from your inventories. Your products will be displayed in the right ad, on the right page, thereby targeting the right users more effectively.

Your handbags, for example, will be displayed on a fashion page, your sneakers will appear on a sporting page and your infant supplies will be delivered on parenting sites.

The Dynamic Display ad is simple to use and set up. It takes away the drudgework of having to laboriously set up individual ads for your individual products. But perhaps one of the most tempting things to take note of is that, at least for Google’s case, the Dynamic Display advertising technique involves no additional cost.


By Manesh Ram, Digital Marketing Specialist. Please follow @maneshram & Meta


Published On: August 2nd, 2015 / Categories: Search Engine Marketing | SEM /

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